

Wyclef in Jacmel

Two Carib bloggers seem excited about Wyclef's December 1st concert in Haiti: haiti-based Yon Ayisyen and Trinidad based Chookooloonks.

Says Yon Ayisyen (Fr): "He will perform December 1st two days before the local and municipal elections. I wonder, will he take the opportunity to stay and vote on Sunday?"

Chookooloonks aka Karen Wolrond, recently had some background to offer on the concert:

Wyclef Jean, of The Fugees fame, is Haitian, and he runs a foundation called, an organization whose stated mission it is "to empower the people of Haiti and the Haitian diaspora to rebuild their nation" through combining "the power of music with the tools of development in the areas of education, health, environment and humanitarian assistance." You can read more about their projects here. Next week, in the small town of Jacmel in Haiti, and in conjunction with the Jacmel International Film Festival, is hosting Yele Fest, which culminates in Wyclef's first concert in Haiti in 8 years, and is expected to draw a crowd of 50,000.

Incidentally, Haitian-American jazz band Mozayik recently had a Haiti debut performance. 1700 attended. They offer a picture album on their site.

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