I recently discovered Stanley Lucas' very new blog Haiti Solutions (which I've just added to the Haitian diaspora blogroll). In a recent post Haitians making history in the US, he writes:
In Boston, the Haitian-American lawyer Patrick Deval has officially succeeded Mit Romney as Governor of Massachusetts. Patrick Deval was officially sworn in as Governor last Thursday, January 11 ending sixteen years of Republican control of the executive branch. He is the first black governor of Massachusetts and only the second black Governor in the history of the United States after Douglas Wilder of Virginia.This is the first I've heard that Governor Patrick was of Haitian descent. (I always approach any claim by Haitians that any public figure has Haitian ancestry with a healthy dose of skepticism. As far as I can remember "Haitian sightings" by Haitians are as common as Elvis Presley sightings by Tennessee-ites. )
Any insights?
Update 1/25/06: Someone posted this entry on moun.com and the discussion is taking place there. Check it out. Basically, as of today wikipedia makes no mention of Deval Patrick being Haitian and nowhere in the discussion have I seen any evidence that he is. Who knows what sparked the rumor?
(Photo by Double Speak Show.)
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