

Legacy of 1804 on situation in Arcahaie #Haiti #LOF1804

This Friday at 9PM: join me and video blogger Hugues Girard who informed us in the past on the Ile-â-Vache land grab attempts. He will fill us in on similar recent efforts  in Arcahaie, near the vacation spot of choice for Port-au-Princians, Côte des Arcadins.

Listen live or archived at Listen live only on the phone at (714) 242-6119.


Live Tweet Recap:


Legacy of 1804 with Dr. Philippe Lerebours #LOF1804 #Haiti


This Friday at 9PM join host artist Andre Juste as he interviews Dr. Philippe Lerebours on his life and legacy documenting Haitian art history.

Dr. Lerebours is the author of "Haiti et Ses Peintres de 1804 à 1980".  He has a doctorate in Art History from the Sorbonne University in Paris. In a career that spanned decades, he had many responsibilities, including director and curator of the Musée d’Art Haitien du Collège St. Pierre and Head of the National School of the Arts (ENARTS).

He was honored twice this past summer for his lifetime achievements by Haitian organizations in Queens and Brooklyn.

Host Andre Juste  is an artist and art writer evolving in the New York art scene whose work has been noted for defying stereotypes of Haitian art. He has contributed a chapter titled Haitian Art to Henry Louis Gates and Anthony Appiah's Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience.

 Listen online live or archived at Listen (Live Only) on the phone at (714) 242-6119.

Live tweet wrap-up:


Legacy of 1804 on what it means to have a sovereign Haiti #LOF1804

Join guest host Hans Roy this Friday at 9PM as he tackles the concept of a sovereign Haiti in today's world.

Hans Roy's Synopsis: As we moved towards the end of the 20th Century, many believed the idea of  the nation state would become the norm, yet the Post Soviet Union and Post  9/11 world displayed  just the opposite. Unipolar, with one Super Power, the world seemed like a very dangerous place for small countries, especially those with resources, unless of course, they were loyal to the Super Power, the bully on the block. Recently, Paul Craig Roberts, who served as Assistant Secretary under Reagan, called European countries "Vassal States" when it comes to their foreign policy. If this is true, how do less powerful countries maintain any semblance of sovereignty? Do Haitians today really care about becoming a sovereign state? Is it something that we will see in our lifetime?     

We will also get a brief overview from Hugues Girard? of the recent protests in Arcahaie against another looming land grab which would redistrict a whole portion of the town under the name Arcadins.

 Listen live or on demand on line at Listen on the phone at 714-242-6119.


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Watch Wikiconference USA on Livestream #LOF1804 #wikiconusa

There will be no Legacy of 1804 tonight as Afrocrowd's new Project Manager Sherry Antoine and I are offering a keynote address at WikiConference USA tomorrow  morning at 10:30AM and I'd rather take the time to put the finishing touches on my presentation.

You can watch the whole conference (set at DC's National Archives) via livestream links available at

Hashtag on twitter is #wikiconUSA.

See you next week for a new episode hosted by Hans Roy.

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Legacy of 1804 with Filmmaker Arnold Antonin #LOF1804 #Haiti

Join me this Friday (i.e. tonight!) at 9PM as I do my best to connect with filmmaker Arnold Antonin live from Haiti via Skype. This may be more daunting than usual given Digicel's recent attempt to do away with free VoIPs. If it doesn't work out we'll do a regular news and blog review and bring Mr. Antonin back on a different date. Wish us luck!

Arnold Antonin's new film on Frankétienne will premiere at St. Francis College in Brooklyn on 10/11. Find out more about his films and career on his website and on wikipedia.

Listen live or archived online at  Listen on the phone at 714-242-6119.

Use the hashtag #lof1804 to comment/participate on Twitter during/after the show.

Listen to past shows on iTunes by searching "Legacy of 1804" or on this site under the LOF1804 tab.

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